Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

Combine the benefits of Soursop Leaf and Ant to Cure Cancer!

Combine the benefits of Soursop Leaf and Ant to Cure Cancer!
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Combine the benefits of Soursop Leaf and Ant to Cure Cancer! - Currently, circulating so many herbal remedies that are thought to have anti-cancerproperties. It might make you wonder where the most potent herbs to help Your loved ones prevail in the battle against cancer.

With respect to the use of herbal remedies, there are some people who choose to combine the use of herbs with medical remedies. But some are feeling anxious tryingmedical treatment such as surgery and chemotherapy so decided to just use naturalherbal medicines.
Before deciding which one is best for you and your family, it is important to know how your choice of herbal remedies work. Can herbs fight cancer directly and also used as complementary to complement conventional medicine.
Herbs can enhance immunity, reduce side effects or complications of the disease and its treatment and to improve the quality of life. Specifically, there are two herbs lately so much sought after by people who are looking for alternative cancer treatment because of rumored to fight various cancers.
The following reviews can help you get enlightenment to understand the 2 herbs the most sought-after person today to quell cancer-Ant and Soursop Leaf.

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The benefits of Soursop Leaf and Ant
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The benefits of Soursop Leaf and Ant

Doctors at once herbalist Dr. Paul stated his opinion in Halim Wahyudi magazine Trubus, with respect to the treatment of cancer, "there is no magic bullet to shoot cancer. Medicinal plants should be synergistic and mixed so that the result is maximum.Sinergisme also neutralizing side effects. "
From the quote above, it can be concluded that the alternative treatment would be more effective if consuming herbs synergistically so that complement each other in helping the treatment.
Ant and Soursop leaves very good if used simultaneously to complement each other in helping cancer treatment. The workings of these two herbs are synergistic treatment effectiveness can help you or your family lives. Following exposure of how Antproperties and benefits of Soursop leaves work together in the fight against cancer.
Since 2006 the herbal Ant is already being used by thousands of people to assist in the treatment of various types of cancer, and which is no longer is unquestionable, both as single herbal or complementary.
On average, those who use this herb feel significant improvements within one to two months of use only.
Type of Ant that is often used as a traditional remedy is: Hydnophytum FormicarumMyrmecodia tuberosa, Myrmecodia Pendans (Ant genus Ochetellus). In Indonesia only dried extract capsules or mixed with extracts of materials allowed dryer POM for sale.
The dry powder capsules without the extraction process is dangerous due to the active compounds in the capsule with no immediately regardless in the stomach or intestines so that there are the dregs that cause heart and kidney is working extra hard to Detox.
Of use for a long time can cause damage to the liver and kidneys. When extracted, the active compounds are easily detached and absorbed so safe for the liver and kidneys.
Ant rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and tannin, tocopherol. Ant works by fighting free radicals which trigger cancer thus preventing cancer cells grown rapidly.
Antioxidants are imunomodulator i.e. strengthen healthy cells to combat cancer. Mechanisms already successfully revealed is cytotoxic (cell division cycle inhibition) andinduction of apoptosis (cell suicide processes induce cancer).
The active compounds that are already successfully identified include flavonoid glycosides, tannins, stigmasterol, and histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDAC). Compounds is widely known as the anti-cancer compounds.
Allegedly powerful flavonoid glycosides and stigmasterol role in cytotoxic mechanisms while the tannins more leads to the induction of apoptosis. Ant also inhibits the enzyme oxidase xantin so no going on free radicals.
Other enzymes can be inhibited to prevent excess production deliveries other dismutase, glutation, and reductase. Dismutase overexpression causes organs such as the liver failing detoxify toxins. The impact of the liver or liver cancer stricken lever.
As a complementary herbal Ant, reported benefits of soursop leaves are chemotherapy but with the strength of 10,000 times stronger compared to conventional chemotherapy.
According to Dr. Sidi Aritjahja, a doctor who is also a herbalist in Yogyakarta, preferably soursop leaves for cancer is not prescribed in the singular.
Soursop leaves are acidic. If given to cancer patients who are debilitated body condition, feared to be damaging and aggravating conditions of the stomach due to increased the acidic.
Good if combined with herbs that may protect the stomach wall from high acidity. In this case Ant plays a major role in protecting the stomach from Soursop leaf acidity.
The benefits of Soursop leaf fight cancer due to the active compound, namely acetogenins. Acetogenins attack only cancer cells by inhibiting ATP (adenonsina triphosphate) which gives energy on cancer cells. Consequently, mitotic cell division or cancer is hampered.
Cancer cells divide very fast every 2-5 minutes, whereas normal cells 7-14 days. Fastfission requires huge energy from ATP. If the energy supply is reduced due to ATP inhibited, then cancer cells and activity going on apoptosis cell suicide program aka.
Acetogenins in soursop leaves control mitochondria overacting. When mitochondriawere normal, then the growth of cancer cells can be controlled.

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Combine the benefits of Soursop leaves with Ant
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Combine the benefits of Soursop leaves with Ant

From exposure to the above, the usefulness and efficacy of Ant soursop leaves if used synergistically will have enormous power in stormed the cancer cells and prevent it to grow back.
Soursop leaves users report feeling heat throughout the body during the first few days of using the herbs. Ant can reduce these side effects.
Those who are consuming Ant reported experiencing the positive effects such as reduced sense of tired, increase fitness, increase appetite, reduce complications against the other organs, and makes sleep better because of inflammation and fever under control.
Individual nature herbal medicine. So the perceived efficacy and effects vary from one person to another. After selecting the most appropriate herb, consume regularly and consistently.
Don't expect a cure in a matter of days. Despite the spectacular testimony cured in just a few days. The benefits of a herbal not necessarily applies equally to everyone.
In herbal healing, improve overall body metabolism system. Its effects take more time compared to conventional medicine.
Therefore, do not alternate herbal quickly. Disease progression need to be monitored continuously in 1-3 months. When no development means, recently switched to herbal or other remedies.
A great choice depends on the type of disease, early disease conditions, suitability and safety of herbal medicines. In addition to efficacy of herbal medicines itself, many other factors also have an important role in determining the success or failure of an alternative treatment that is the attitude, lifestyle, and psychiatric conditions.
Observation of the doctors showed that drug absorption in the gut is better if the patient does not stress. Please read our other articles concerning various questions about the benefits of Soursop leaves.

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