Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Frustration

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Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Frustration - Frustration usually occurs when personal goals or dreams we had not met. We may feel frustrated when the results we want to happen, in short does not occur, or when we face challenges. There are so many things that can cause us to become frustrated. Some people act on those feelings, while others do not.

The cause of frustration often involves external forces that we do not have it under control. It can be triggered by situations such as a tool that does not work, or even by others. Frustration can block us from feeling motivated. We can react by trying to solve what causes frustration, or we choose the option that is much easier, is to give up.

No matter what the cause, the response to this frustration is different. It is not unusual for us to be frustrated at this time and in subsequent times. But most important is how we react to it. You will try to find a solution, or just give up? The worst behavior you could just act violently towards another person that causes problems. Just as behavior problems that we often encounter in our lives, there is always a way to overcome them.

Here are 10 tips that I hope will help you overcome the frustration!

1. Speak with friends

always a healthy thing to talk to others about anything that bothered us. Well, maybe not everything we have to tell, but the point here is to be able to share feelings with someone not just bury them for ourselves. Who knows, your friend may have some solutions that can help you!

2. Write your successes and failures in the journal

Do you do it by using an online journal or with pen and paper, noting the activities that we taste prevent us is something that can always help. By doing so, we can analyze what went well for us and what is not.

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3. Accept the fact

we also need to check the reality we face. If we have done everything that we were able to achieve something, and it still does not work, then we should try to accept this fact. What we need to do in a situation like this is to write a list of positives and negatives, then see what can be learned from these things.

4. Take note of your progress

Sometimes we feel that things move slowly enough, or they do not work as we expected. This can cause a lot of frustration. Make a check list and see how you progress. Sometimes small steps do not seem like producing something, but when we can run small steps one by one according to your check list, it is very useful in seeing your progress.

5. Take a walk

Taking a break is always a good thing. Do not think about what causes you frustration while. A walk or taking a break will allow your mind to become more clear once you decide to go back and fix the problem or situation at hand.

6. Stop blaming yourself

may be the cause of your frustration is something of your own actions. Accept it and try to find solutions instead of blaming ourselves constantly. It just puts you in a negative atmosphere that will bring more harm than good. Accept that it is your fault and continue with your life.

7. Stop grumpy

Anger is indeed one way to vent your frustration. It can be directed either to ourselves or anything that causes frustration. Entertain yourself by watching a funny movie or read your favorite comics. The point here is to minimize anger so you can think clearly. Just when you think straight and quiet, you will be able to overcome the problems that cause you to become frustrated.

8. Take a hot bath or bed

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 relax your mind with a hot shower or sleep will do wonders for your mind is tired. Being angry or frustrated can make us weak and vulnerable to stress.

9. Being around people who are positive

Always a good thing to be around people who are optimistic. You can get energy from them as well as advice if they ever experiencing the same situation as you.

10. Try to be positive

Try to think of more difficult times you have been experiencing and have not succeeded in the past. Tell yourself that this too shall pass, as it always does. This might not be an easy thing to do, but if we try to be grateful for what we have and see where we had success in the past, we can see that there is no way we can not go through.

We've all had periods where we feel frustrated. It is a natural emotion that we need to go through. As long as we work towards our dreams and goals we want to achieve, we will find a kind of frustrating. But remember, all of this is important is how we overcome these feelings of frustration and not blame themselves let alone anyone else.

10 Benefits of Reading and Why You Should Do Every Day

10 Benefits of Reading and Why You Should Do Every Day
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Benefits of Reading

10 Benefits of Reading and Why You Should Do Every Day - When was the last time you read a book, magazine or perhaps article of websites on the internet? If you are one of the many people the countless who have the habit of reading is irregular, you may lose some of the benefits of reading. But hopefully it does not happen after you read this article.

Keep reading, because below are some of the benefits of reading that you must know.

10 Benefits of Reading is Awesome

1. Stimulate / Stimulate Brain

Research has shown that stimulation of the brain can slow the progression (or possibly even prevent) Alzheimer's disease and Dementia, as it keeps your brain stay active and prevent it from losing its ability.

Just like muscles in the body, the brain needs exercise to stay strong and healthy, so the phrase "use it or you'll lose it" is appropriate to describe this condition. Puzzles and games such as chess, have been studied to help stimulate brain development.

2. Reduce Stress

No matter how much stress you have at work, in your personal relationships, or other problems that countless you face in everyday life, it's all going to slip away when you are busying themselves in a reading activity.

A well-written novel can move you to another realm, while an interesting article will distract you and make you are at the moment, letting the tension drain away and allows you to relax.

3. Adding Knowledge

Everything you read will fill your head with some new information, and you never know when it will be useful to you.

The more knowledge you have, the better you are equipped to cope with any challenge that you will face in the future.

Besides, this is food for your mind: when you find yourself in a bad condition, remember that even though you might lose everything you have - your job, your possessions, your money, or even your health - knowledge could never be taken from you.

4. Enriching Vocabulary

It runs in accordance with its title: the more you read, the more words you get, and it certainly would open the way to become your everyday vocabulary.

Being articulate is very useful in any profession, and know that you can talk to your boss with confidence could be a big boost to improve your self-image.

In fact, it could help in the development of your career. Because the people who are good in reading, articulate, and has extensive knowledge tends to get promotions faster (and more often) than those with mastery of vocabulary is lacking.

Reading books is also important to learn a new language, because it will expand the words used in context, thereby improving writing skills and eloquence.

Benefits of Reading and Why You Should Do Every Day
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5. Improve Memory

When you read a book or a novel, for example, you should be given a wide range of characters, their background, ambitions, history, shades, as well as various grooves stringing each story.

It was quite a lot to remember, but the brain is something extraordinary and can remember these things with relative ease. 

Amazingly enough, every new memory that you create will create new synapses (brain pathways) and strengthen existing ones, to help you remember the memory in the short term and stabilize mood. Cool is not it?

6. Strong Analytical Thinking Ability

Do you ever read a mystery novel is amazing, and solve the mystery themselves before you finish reading the book? If so, you are able to put critical thinking and analytical work by taking points from all of the details given and sort them to determine "who did it".

The same ability to analyze the details is also very useful when you need to scrutinize the content of the story; determine whether it is a well-written story, whether the characters well developed, whether storyline running smoothly, and so on. If you ever have the opportunity to discuss the book with others, you will be able to express your opinion clearly, because you have taken the time to really analyze all the aspects involved.

7. Improve Focus and Concentration

In the era of internet and remarkable technology today, our attention as if pulled in a million different directions when we do a lot of activities every day.

In a span of 5 minutes, the average person will split my time between working on the task, checking email, chatting with a few people, see the twitter / facebook, check the smartphone, and interacting with co-workers. This type of behavior causes increased stress levels and lowers productivity.

When you read the book, all your attention is only focused on the story and you forget about the other things that are outside the book.

Try to read for 15-20 minutes before work, on your morning commute (you can do when sitting on public transport for example). You will probably be surprised at how much more focused you after you arrive at the office and started to move.

Why You Should Do Every Day
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8. Better Writing Skills

If you are a writer, reading course will be very supportive of your profession. In the same way in which musicians influenced each other, and painter using a technique previously developed by the master, as well as authors learn how to arrange the words by reading the works of others.

Another writer's style always will influence your own writing style. It also goes in tune with the expansion of your vocabulary.

9. Tranquility

In addition to accompanying relaxation while reading a good book, it is possible that the subject you read can bring inner peace and tranquility. Read spiritual texts can lower blood pressure and brings deep calm. Read self-help books have been shown to help people who suffer from mood disorders (mood) specific and mild mental disorders.

10. Free Entertainment

Although many of us want to buy the book, but some books have a fairly expensive price. For those of you who have a low budget, you can visit your local library.

There should tomes countless with a wide range of subjects and they continuously provide new books so that you will never run out of reading material. Unfortunately libraries in Indonesia is less evolved and you may have difficulty locating the library in your town.

But in this digital age you do not need to worry. Internet is widely available in free e-book that can be downloaded and read on an e-reader, iPad or your computer screen.

There is a genre of reading for every person on this planet, whether it be classical literature, fashion, biography, history, self-development guide, romance novels and much more. All you need is your strong desire to start reading regularly.

So start immediately pursued something to read!

Top 10 Benefits of Sport In Eliminating Stress

Top 10 Benefits of Sport In Eliminating Stress
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Overcoming Stress

Top 10 Benefits of Sport In Eliminating Stress - We can not control everything that happens in our lives. Of course, the inability to control certain problems does not mean that we stop worrying about these things, which then brings us to the stress.

Whether it is related to work, family problems, money problems, personal relationships, or one of thousands of other fears that constantly haunt and keep us awake at night, stress is an unhappy fact of human life.

What is more, stress can cause bigger problems than just lacked a few hours of sleep. In addition to causing fatigue, headaches, and digestive problems, stress are also contribute to depression and cardiovascular disease, which can lead to shortened lifespan.

The good news is that there are things you can do to help lower your stress level. Exercising every day can be a good way to help keep everything in perspective, and can act as a stress reducer regularly.

Read Also tips for take good care of baby

Here is how:

1. Reduce Tension

An exercise for 30 minutes is not going to remove all the pressures of life, but will provide a healthy outlet for anger and frustration, as well as diversion from negative thoughts.

Do you feel like there's nothing you can do to deal with the problems that bother you? Dish out all your stress on sports equipment, and feel the cleansing that appears when everything poured out.

Benefits of Sport In Eliminating Stress
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2. Improves Mood

Do you sometimes feel as if they were trapped under the dark cloud of depression? Doing physical activity releases endorphins, which act as an enhancer of mood (mood) naturally. The effects of regular exercise on depression is a very potent drug.

3. Thinking sharper

Endorphins are produced during exercise also sharpen mental processes and improve concentration. Being active will encourage the growth of new brain cells, which can help to combat the stress associated with mental decline experienced by many people as they grow older.

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4. Increase Confidence

Sport is an investment, not only in relieving stress and gain better health, but also a strong sense of control. The mood is even better if combined with an attractive appearance will provide a boost in self, and ultimately improve confidence.

5. Improve Sleep Quality

If you have trouble sleeping at night, there is a possibility that is caused by your insomnia is stress. Stress often led to trouble sleeping, which can cause other problems if not treated quickly.

Short activities at the beginning or middle of the day can help a person return to normal sleep patterns. Those who prefer to exercise in the evening can try to stretch or engage in yoga. Sought not do strenuous exercise or exhausting bedtime

6. Getting Higher Energy

Your body is an amazing machine; the more you use it, the more your body becomes efficient. Increases heart rate a few days per week will lower your stress level, while providing a higher energy level. Even a few minutes of exercise can make a big difference.

This is especially true with the support of proper nutrition and supplements. Some people worry that it will take a huge cost, but the opposite happened, healthy food is not always expensive.

Top Benefits of Sport In Eliminating Stress
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7. Ability Troubleshooting Better

Physical activity provides mental and emotional benefits, including the ability to solve problems. When the body can withstand the tremendous pressure, then we can be able to overcome the challenges of life.

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8. Endurance Body Stronger

Stress is very strong impact on the body, which directly affect immune function. Chronic stress can result in more colds and flu, and generally feel tired.

Exercising every day can boost the immune system and create a strong defense against the disease.

9. Relationships Better

Stress takes its toll on relationships, both at work and at home. Become irritable and depression can make the distance between co-workers and family members.

Exercising offers the opportunity to reduce the tension of the days that are difficult, which makes it possible to re-establish positive relationships with family and friends.

10. Body More Fit

Improved fitness is a real benefit from the exercise. Exercising also helps lose excess weight, so it makes you more confident when being with your friends.

Stress often leads to overeating and weight gain leads to more stress. Exercising regularly cut this cycle and create a more beautiful body with a happy thought.

Tips About Baby Care

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Tips About Baby Care - Sad to see it if the baby is sick. Although various ways have been done to keep always healthy, but in fact the parents can still be missed.

There are many types of diseases can attack the baby, whom are coughs and colds. Although both diseases at this time there is no cure, but it should never be taken lightly because it could be an early sign of disease more dangerous.

Treating the disease coughs and colds in infants is very different than the treatment of children or adults. Appropriate treatment will speed up the recovery process and prevent the baby from things that are not cool. Quoted from tabloid Ayahbunda.

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here are some tips that can be done by parents to cope.

1. Stay give milk regularly

Baby's immune system is generally still not formed properly and seamlessly, so the baby very vulnerable to disease. To that end, so the baby is not susceptible to disease mother regularly required to give her milk, at least until the baby is older than 1 year.

2. Apply the oil Cajeput

Cough that occurs repeatedly will make the baby feel very uncomfortable. To overcome this, the mother can try rubbing the oil cajeput around the neck and chest so he could feel a warm sensation. As if it turns cough with sputum or nasal congestion due to mucus, for diluting the mother can shed a sterile saline solution or salt which can be obtained easily in pharmacies nearby.

3. Give the baby a special medication (if necessary)

Babies should not be used by chemical drugs to cure the illness. However, in certain cases as recommended by your doctor chemical drugs can still be given. Keep in mind, do not ever give more than one type of drug to the baby, because some medications sometimes have the same content, so it is feared the baby overdosed.

4. Bring to a doctor

If you see the baby coughs and colds do not go away, do not delay again to immediately take him to the doctor. Alternative medicines can also be given as add a few drops of menthol, eucalyptus or pine oil into a vaporizer to help your baby feel relieved.
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In more severe cases there are some signs to look out by parents, among them:

  • 1. If suddenly the baby breathes faster than normal or they may seem like wheezing because of breathing difficulties.
  • 2. If the baby cough accompanied by mucus discharge yellowish or greenish.
  • 3. If your baby has a fever over 38 Celsius accompanied by a cold sweat.
  • 4. If the baby is coughing hard to experience vomiting.
  • 5. If the phlegm out with bloodstains.
Parents can not at any time keep her baby from being exposed to the disease. However, parents still can minimize infectious diseases by improving the health of the child's body. For starters, make sure your baby always maintained the cleanliness of his body, ask all members of your family to always wash their hands before holding your baby.

Keep in mind, too, as much as possible to avoid entrust your baby in day care, because their baby's risk of contracting the disease are enormous. If forced to leave your baby, be sure to choose a daycare that has experience and high hygiene standards.