Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Benefits of Snake Skin (Revealed)

Crazy Benefits of Snake Skin (Revealed)
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Benefits of Snake Skin (Revealed) - In Latin, snake skin called sallaka edulis, whereas in the US and Europe this fruit called snake fruit due to the form of the skin that resembles snake scales.

According to some surveys, snake skin that grows only in the tropics are not as famous as apples, oranges, or bananas because there are many who do not know the benefits contained in fruits for a healthy body.

Any nutritional content in it?

  • 368 kk energy
  • 0.8 grams of protein
  • 90.3 g carbohydrates
  • 0.4 grams of fat
  • 38 mg calcium
  • 31 mg phosphorus
  • 3.9 mg of iron
  • 8.4 grams of vitamin C
  • fiber
  • several grams of vitamin B and minerals

Now, what are the benefits snake skin for your health?

1. Improve the immune system

The content of vitamin C in the snake skin boost immunity against viral diseases.

Benefits of Snake Skin
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2. Maintaining eye health

According to some research, the snake skin contains five times more beta-carotene than carrots, tomatoes, mangoes and watermelon. So if you do not like carrots, can use pieces of snake skin as an alternative to meet the needs of eye health.

3. Prevent the growth of cancer

The fruit is also rich in antioxidants that can prevent the growth and development of cancer cells to cause cancer.

4. Treating diarrhea

Salak contains tannin that has been widely known as an ingredient in the treatment of diarrhea.

5. Rich in fiber

The myth says that eating too much will make bowel movement becomes difficult. In fact, the epidermis fruits contain fiber needed by the body, which actually facilitate digestion. So try epidermis of fruits should not be wasted.

6. Assist the diet

Relatively high carbohydrate content is able to suppress hunger while diet program.

7. Increase intelligence

The results also show that this fruit can improve brain performance by bringing the content of potassium and pectin, which can nourish some of the nerves and able to facilitate and control the circulation of blood to the brain.

Benefits of Snake Skin (Revealed)
Image From:


Snake skin is not intended for people with ulcers and typhoid because some abortion is not good for the patient. But apart from that, you can eat snake skin anytime. In fact, it will be more delicious if made as pickles or snake skin chips for a snack daily.

So many benefits of fruits that can be good for the health of the body. So now, snake skin can be an alternative fruit to your daily life, is not it?

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